New York Irish Center
Senior Programs
There is no charge for any of our Senior programs or classes.
Movie Mondays
Join us at 1 PM for Movie Mondays, where we screen a different classic film each week! Enjoy light lunch, tea or coffee, and a lively discussion about the movie afterward.
tuesday art class
Unleash your creativity with our talented art teacher, Caitlin Harris. Enjoy a relaxed, fun atmosphere as you explore new art techniques and express your own style. A light lunch, along with tea or coffee, will be provided.
Wednesday Lunch PROGRAM
Every Wednesday, we welcome retired members of our community into our Paddy Reilly Hall for a chance to socialize, enjoy card games, hear from guest speakers, sip tea and coffee, and share a delicious hot lunch.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to close our doors, but we made over 1,000 deliveries to support our community. A huge thank you to all the volunteers who made this delivery program possible — from our drivers to those who delivered on foot. Check out some pictures of the program in action here.
Our doors open at 10:30 AM, with lunch served at 1 PM.
Wednesday AFTERNOONs
Join us every Wednesday after lunch for card games and Bingo from 2 PM onward. Come together for an afternoon of fun, craic, and laughter at the Center.
Every other week, we host a Get Up and Dance Movement Class at 2.30 PM. Led by Valerie Green from Dance Entropy, this class will guide you through a series of gentle, dance-based exercises that are enjoyable and accessible for all.
Tax Filing with AARP & kEN
The AARP and Ken Natton are once again providing free tax filing services for the community. If you wish to file your taxes in person, please book your appointment by calling us at (718) 482-0909.
Appointments are available starting Wednesday, February 12th, through April 9th.
Wednesdays at 2 PM (By appointment only)
Afternoon tunes
Join us at 1 PM on the fourth Friday of every month for a cozy afternoon filled with music and delicious treats. Enjoy live music by talented musicians and don’t miss out on the world-famous scones by Mary O. All are welcome!
Saturday Computer Club
On Saturday mornings, our volunteers gather in the library to offer technology lessons for those catching up on the latest smartphones, tablets, and personal computers. It's also a great opportunity to enjoy tea, coffee, and a chat. Contact us on (718) 482-0909 or email for more details.
Every Saturday, 11 AM – 1 PM.
Bus Trips 2024
Irish Repertory Theatre
Join us and see the brilliant “Molly Sweeney” at the Irish Rep on Wednesday June 5th. Our lunch will be served shortly after 12 and bus provided to and from the theater departing at 1:15pm and returning shortly after 5pm. Show begins at 2pm sharp; and runtime is 2.5 hours.
To get your name on the list call the center on 718 482 0909 (only 15 remain).
Atlantic City, NJ
Join NYIC on Thursday, June 13th, for a day trip to Atlantic City! Shop, eat, play and enjoy the clean sea air. Bus will leave NYIC at 8am and return by 6pm. Vouchers for Casino will be included and light snacks on the bus.
To get your name on the list call the center on 718 482 0909 (All 55 seats taken).